OPENING 23 December 2024 - 4PM CET
23 December 2024 - 13 January 2025
Not everything that breaks is useless. Sometimes it can be an opportunity for something unexpected. And if it is true that fractures are divisive, it is also true that they reveal change. But how can we direct that change? The exhibition Echoes of Broken Souls is an invitation to explore the complexities of the fractures we experience every day, both personally and collectively. Through the works of contemporary artists, we want to reveal the lacerations that distinguish not only our inner cosmos, but also the social and geopolitical dynamics that influence our daily lives. The gaze turns to the conflict between the modern individual and his most intimate essence, too often split between what appears and what is substantial. The human experience is summed up in an artistic journey that pushes the visitor to confront his or her personal fractures, to accept his or her fragility and consequently reflect on the cultural, economic and political rifts nurtured by a society that is itself fragmented. The corollary of photographs, videos and graphic works explores the subtlest demarcations of ethnic groups, ideologies, nations, and sheds light on issues that are both current and universal, such as identity and migration. The border line thus becomes an opportunity to observe reality from a privileged point of view, precisely by virtue of its dual nature. It is necessary to take note of it, and heal it with a more precious awareness, as it is born from the pain of division. Just as in the Japanese art of Kintsugi the fragments of ceramic are soldered back together with gold, so the personal and social fracture can be healed with a stronger and more authentic bond than the original unity, placing dialogue as a meeting point. Distance thus becomes sharing, marginalization becomes understanding, separation becomes cohesion. The exhibition invites us to reflect on the idea of the border, understood both as a barrier and as a bridge. We must overcome these fractures and build links between different cultures and realities. In this context, art becomes a powerful tool for reconciliation, breaking the rigidity of ordinary demarcations to embrace the liberating openness of a common vision.